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Jan 27, 2021
What Is Crisis Fatigue and How to Treat It with Meditation
Yoga Journal: Feeling overwhelmed by dramatic events? You might be experiencing crisis fatigue. Here's a simple way to cope. Emily...
The Newest Wearables Are Using Sweat to Track Stress
Well+Good: Here’s how it works.
This Blueberry Smoothie Is Loaded With Longevity-Promoting Ingredients
Well+Good: Blueberries are a smoothie staple for a reason. An explorer and journalist, Dan Buettner spends much of his time studying Blue...
How to Build A Self-Care Plan, According to Experts
The Healthy: Show up for yourself by developing and committing to a self-care plan.
Experts Unpack Longevity Secrets
Well + Good: From five different cultures around the globe. What’s the secret to living a healthy, long life? It was the big question on...
This Full-Body Recovery Toolkit Eases Every Kind of Tension
Well+Good: [Videos] to help you heal wherever it is in your body that you’re feeling the ill effects of pandemic posture. The...
Coffee May Help Reduce Risk for Heart Failure
American Heart Association News: But only if it's caffeinated. Drinking one or more cups of coffee a day may reduce the risk of heart...
Is Menopause Affecting Your Sleep?
High50: How to cope with sleeping problems caused by menopause. One of the first casualties of the menopause years can be sleep. We have...
5 Stretches and Exercises for Shoulder Pain
TheHealthy: Exercises that prevent shoulder pain help safeguard the joint's stability and mobility. The shoulder joint is one of the most...
7 Things You Should Know About Matcha
Health: This form of green tea is getting a lot of buzz. I’ve been getting asked about matcha a whole lot lately; this trendy green tea...
Eat Your Water for Weight Loss
Verywell Fit: A leading nutrition researcher says a very effective approach involves increasing your intake of one of food's most...
3 Drinks for Better Brain Health...
MindBodyGreen: Recommended by a neuroscientist. Just because water is your body’s preferred method of hydration doesn’t mean it’s the...
3 Out of 4 People Deal With Hemorrhoids...
Well+Good: And many might not even know it. Hemorrhoids sound scary. Scary enough that if you had them, you’d know—right? Not quite, says...
The 7 Best Turmeric Supplements of 2021...
Verywell Fit: According to a dietician. Reduce inflammation with these natural supplements. Turmeric, a bright yellow-colored spice, has...
Should You Double Mask?
Everyday Health: Plus 7 more ways to thwart the new coronavirus variants. In the year since COVID-19 made its way into our lives, we’ve...
Focusing on Your Future
Harvard Health Publishing: Make your remaining years the best possible with these strategies. There's a saying: "The trouble is, you...
Sleeping and Cognitive Decline
Harvard Health Publishing: Sleeping too much or not enough may raise the risk of cognitive decline. People who sleep too much or too...
Tai Chi or Yoga? 4 Important Differences
Harvard Health Publishing: Here's how to determine which is best for your needs. Tai chi and yoga have many similarities. Both are...
Statin Side Effects Could be Due to the "Nocebo" Effect
Harvard Health Publishing: People who have negative expectations ... may have symptoms they otherwise wouldn't.
Put a Song in Your Heart
Harvard Health Publishing: Listening to music may offer a range of benefits for cardiovascular health. Music's capacity to evoke emotion...
Cozy Up with a Weighted Blanket
Yoga Journal: Relax and release anxiety with a cozy weighted blanket. Weighted blankets are a wonderful way to feel comfy and held when...
Social Media Bringing You Down? Try This Freeing Flow
Yoga Journal: Unravel texting-Induced tension and reconnect to you with these 8 liberating poses. Truth check: are you in a long-term...
28 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress Every Single Day
Prevention: Whether you take a walk, let your mind wander, or tweak your diet, here are the best ways to find relaxation, according to...
The 13 Best Treadmills for Upgrading Your Home Gym
Forbes: No matter the type of treadmill you’re looking for, be it a budget pick or an ultra-expensive, premium model, here are 13 of the...
At Home Health Tests: Everything You Need to Know
InnerBody Research: Our experts take a comprehensive look at your at home health testing options and give you our recommendations. It was...
How Well You Age Might Be Linked to Late Life Expectations
Verywell Mind: Self-perceptions of aging could play a major role in maintaining health as you get older, a recent study suggests. Your...
How to Get More Energy, From Morning to Night
Health: Strategies that will keep you humming along—and, happily, don’t take much effort. We work, we plan, we organize, we go, fueling...
What Is Crisis Fatigue and How to Treat It with Meditation
Yoga Journal: Feeling overwhelmed by dramatic events? You might be experiencing crisis fatigue. Here's a simple way to cope. Emily...
Six Healthy Habits to Be Happier and More Positive
Health: Overcome these common barriers to lighten up your heart and mind. Happiness is our holy grail and our measure of a life well...
7 Scientific Health Benefits of Vitamin C
Everyday Health: A diet loaded with vitamin C–rich foods helps more than just the immune system. Vitamin C (aka L-ascorbic acid) is one...
Does Exercise Boost Immunity?
Health: What to know about working out right now, according to experts. You know how to protect yourself against the novel coronavirus by...
Mindfulness Works, But Not for Everyone
Verywell Mind: While mindfulness is a popular strategy for decreasing stress, a new research review shows that it doesn't have consistent...
How Men Over 40 Can Build Core Strength Without Back Pain
Men's Health: This sneaky tough ab exercise can help to hone strength safely. For the older man who thinks there’s no way to work your...
Women’s Health is Better When Women Have More Control in their Society
The Conversation: Living in societies that are more unequal is associated with negative health outcomes. Gender disparities in health are...
AHA News: The Head Is Connected to the Heart...
HealthDay: And can influence health. A growing body of research shows good mental health can improve heart health and reduce...
Harness the Power of Your Mind to Beat Hot Flushes
Daily Mail: Here’s a drug-free way that’s proven to tackle it. Up to 80 per cent of women experience symptoms of the menopause, most...
Step Up Your At-Home Cycling Game with These Streaming Spin Classes
Men's Health: 6 high-tech Peloton alternatives for at-home spin workouts. At-home cycling is in the midst of an unprecedented boom, due...
Daily Aspirin Can Lower Colon Cancer Risk, But Age Matters
HealthDay: Low-dose aspirin may help some people curb their risk of developing colon cancer -- but not if they wait until age 70 to...
The Alzheimer's Drugs Showing Early Promise
AARP: Along with Eli Lily’s donanemab, researchers say several new therapies offer hope. Treatment for Alzheimer's disease, the...
Coffee Might Help Ward Off Prostate Cancer
HealthDay: A cup of java may not be a bad idea for men's health: Drinking lots of coffee may reduce their risk of prostate cancer,...
Best Online Therapy 2021: Which Service to Choose?
InnerBody Research: We've tested the options -- learn all the details to decide where you’ll find the best online therapy. For many...
Meet Eddie: The Wearable Device Aiming to Optimize Erections
Medical Device Network: Eddie is a first-of-its-kind, wearable, FDA Class II erectile dysfunction device. Medtech start-up Giddy has now...
Heart Health and More Linked to Gut Microbiome
Verywell Fit: Positive dietary changes can improve gut health and help reduce the risk of health conditions like obesity and Type 2...
The Good Side of Bacteria
Harvard Health Publishing: Probiotics may help maintain a healthy and happy gut — but make sure you choose the right sources. There are...
Can Your Diet Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
Cleveland Clinic: Healthier food choices are the way to a better sex life. It’s a classic date night formula: You have a couple of...
7 Foods and Beverages That Can Improve Your Sleep
Verywell Health: You might not know that what you eat and drink during the day can also affect your sleep—both positively and negatively....
Menopause and Perimenopause Advice: Shirley Weir
OregonLive: What to know about hot flashes, hormone therapy and more. What can you expect with perimenopause and menopause? And what can...
The 6 Best Online Nutrition Counseling Programs of 2021
Verywell Fit: Find the best program for your health. Nutrition is a daunting topic for many: Overhauling lifelong eating habits isn’t...
New Robotic Treatment for Enlarged Prostates
Fox16 News: Baptist Health and Arkansas Urology are the first in the state to offer a new robotic treatment. Steve Uhrynowycz, 64, has...
Foods That Fight Inflammation
AARP: Choices that can help prevent everything from heart disease to type 2 diabetes. Name any common disease associated with aging —...
Why the Mediterranean Diet Is Actually as Beneficial as Everyone Says
ABCNews: The heart-healthy diet might offer anti-aging and cancer progression benefits. The Mediterranean diet -- inspired by the...
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